Book a Holiday or DIY a Garden? Brits Have Made Their Choice

Sunny days and school breaks fast approaching would usually mean one thing: booking Summer holidays abroad. But with the pandemic still looming over us and flight restrictions shifting by the minute, most Brits have turned their attention elsewhere.


While searches for ‘flight and hotel deals’, for example, dropped 46% between July 2020 and May 2021, new data has revealed that Google searches for the perfect outdoor viewing setup have increased 59% since January, coinciding with Euro 2021 starting this month.

While restrictions have eased and pubs have reopened, it seems most don’t want the queues and over-crowded spaces anymore, so Euro’s in our home gardens it is!

The trend of home improvement was ever-present during lockdown and the time to upgrade a garden set-up is now. 

Searches for ‘outdoor TV’s’ have increased by 1,275% from January to May as Brits look for the perfect telly to catch the football. However, because summer in the UK doesn’t always equal sunny weather, ‘outdoor heaters’ have seen an 83% increase in search.

roche awnings man grilling outdoor bbq

But it wouldn’t be the Euro’s without friends and family, and a few snacks to go along with it: the result is a 50% increase in searches for ‘garden furniture’ and ‘BBQs’ to welcome guests into our homes.

  • With summer on its way and holiday restrictions showing no sign of easing, it’s no surprise that homeowners are choosing to invest in their outdoor space. The pandemic has resulted in improved pub beer gardens, and we’re seeing the ‘al fresco’ trend continuing in domestic gardens too.Jamie Pugh – Marketing Manager, Roché Awnings 

Brits seem reluctant to go abroad: flight searches have stalled, with specific searches including the word ‘flights’ dropping by 19%. However, searches for ‘weekend breaks for couples’ have increased by 171%. Staying closer to home is better than seeing your flights get cancelled, but let’s just hope those getaways are not on the weekend England are playing!

Excited to give your garden a makeover but worried about protecting new furniture against sun damage? Contact us and our expert team will help find the right solution for your patio.

2 thoughts on “Book a Holiday or DIY a Garden? Brits Have Made Their Choice

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